And it's an exciting field of study, in which you can truly develop your passions in a practical, creative way.
If science should truly develop a "theory of everything," does the need for a Supreme Being vanish?
French rail transport only began hesitantly in the 1830s, and would not truly develop until the 1840s.
"It's a sign that we are truly developing into a two-party system in this state."
It was during this time that Pontecorvo truly developed his political ideals.
But it remains to be seen if he will truly develop into a franchise center.
Tourism truly developed during the 1990s and became one of the island's important economic resources.
Such misunderstandings can make it difficult for nurses to truly develop their skills and practice.
It takes years to truly develop friendships with people, no matter where you are.
But he was emphatic that for India to truly develop as a nation, its legions of poor must also flourish.