Too often mental health practitioners work in but are not truly connected to immigrant and ethnic communities.
Rand was just a soldier, once a shepherd from a small village so far toward the western border that only lines on a map any longer truly connected it to Andor.
But for me to feel truly connected, I needed to know something more.
It was fully automated and for the first time all the branches were truly connected via the automated catalogue and LAN systems.
Try not to become a sociometric butterfly, flitting but not truly connected.
Losing a parent can interfere with a child's ability to be truly connected to another person.
He'd long ago recognized in himself a desire- almost a need- to feel truly connected to the women who attracted him.
Messenger sends and receives IM messages and keeps users truly connected to everyone from a single contact list.
Despite her amazing pipes, I don't think Melanie truly connected with the audience till last night.
I felt I had truly connected with another human.