There are 100 true-false questions which form the basis for the computation of the traits.
He then asked them a true-false question; a countdown clock began at 10 and stopped when a contestant buzzed in.
One of the true-false questions was: 'I often feel like killing people or hurting people.'
Within each topic is a series of exercises, including fill-in-the-blank and true-false questions, and "closer looks" that provide additional information about the lesson.
The true-false question as an aid in studying.
It is composed of 175 true-false questions that reportedly takes 25-30 minutes to complete.
Standardized testing can be composed of multiple-choice questions, true-false questions, essay questions, authentic assessments, or nearly any other form of assessment.
This effectively puts the admissions in the form of true-false questions.
After students submit feedback (typically to multiple choice or true-false questions), the instructor can display the submitted feedback anonymously in diagram form.
A series of true-false questions indicated that most people had a limited knowledge of invertebrates.