And indeed, it is the ocean, by turns turquoise, cobalt, gray and blood red, that is the true protagonist of their film.
Because Tom Pinch plays such a large role in the story, he is sometimes considered the novel's true protagonist.
Many reviewers and critics regard Archie as the stories' true protagonist.
Vegetables are the true protagonist of the traditional diet of Salento.
Standfast itself is the novel's true protagonist, its moods shifting according to a sort of collective emotional climate that alternates between the tempestuous and the merely bleak.
Tony and Diane's little son and the true protagonist of this story.
And, as in Faulkner's tale, that narrator serves both as a device for emphasizing the girls' isolation and finally as the novel's true protagonist.
But Staake's quirky and engaging art is the book's true protagonist.
Certain elements of Yggdra Unison's advertisements along with the "heroic" sound of Gulcasa's theme suggest that he may be considered the game's true protagonist.
Consequently, if we really want to make the ILO a true protagonist on the new world stage, we need an integrated programme.