I am not immodest enough to presume, assuming Voyager 's safe return to the Federation, that the autobiography of the first Emergency Medical Holoprogram to develop true individuality is still widely read so long after the fact.
Children will have the opportunity to learn that true individuality is not reflected in people's clothes, but in their hearts and minds.
For pictorialists true individuality was expressed through the creation of a unique print, considered by many to be the epitome of artistic photography.
The good is the perfection of true individuality, the only foundation for the well-being of all humanity.
Yoko Watanabe (Liu) has a beautiful voice of true individuality - a palpitating vibrancy that is under exquisite control in lines like the one about the long-ago smile that bound her heart to the Prince.
Soon Stargirl vanishes from Mica without a trace, leaving Leo and the rest of the school an unforgettable legacy of selfless caring and true individuality.
People had forgotten that all true individuality derived from God.
For Kierkegaard, true individuality is called selfhood.
Further, state politics would subvert both true individuality and true community.
Hong Suk-Min is then seen on the couch and exposes his true individuality, the curse.