Pham had tried to build a true civilization across all of Human Space.
That's why the central planets formed the Alliance, so everyone can enjoy the comfort and enlightenment of true civilization.
But would they have a true civilization be rational men in a rationally planned society by then?
Question: is this an inevitable evolutionary development as mankind approaches true civilisation?
What better symbol could there be of true civilization in harmony with nature than a functioning compost pile?
They saw themselves as mentors and partners, our conduit to true civilization.
On the other hand, 128 bits *is* probably enough until we start addressing molecules or have a true intergalactic civilization.
"Respect for minorities is a clear sign of true civilization," he said in German.
Such useful programs are proven incentives toward the development of true civilization.
Thus it will now be possible to inaugurate upon those two backward planets a program leading toward true civilization.