There is too little transparency, and the viewer doesn't often enough know what their true agenda is.
The government's true agenda is obvious - increase the trickle-up rate of this country's wealth to the 1%.
At first Huey was blissfully unaware of the fox's true agenda.
Now he was free to pursue his true agenda, whatever that might be.
The true agenda here is not about road safety or eliminating present or future congestion.
Sometimes we don't dig deep enough to reveal the true agenda of the people we cover.
Linc offers up a book written by Father, showing him the true agenda of the group.
His true agenda, I was about to believe, was to impeach my professional competence and in general make me feel stupid.
The Europe 2020 Strategy is revealing its true agenda.
Such as they still had no idea what the kidnapper's true agenda was, therefore hurting another law enforcement officer might be just his thing.