"Where is the tolerance, the magnaminity, the chivalry and the large-heartedness that characterized true Muslims?"
We need a small group of true Muslims who will usher in a new era of Islamic purification.
The third group regards themselves as true Muslims and are prepared to cooperate with the state.
According to them, true Muslims will pursue it by any means necessary, including dissimulation, civil coercion, and the killing of innocents".
His blood may be shed legally by true Muslims.
He is a disgrace and should be properly condemned by all true Muslims.
Despite this data, the authors clarify that "there is nothing related to true Muslims" but to situations related to bigamy.
He advised people to behave as true Muslims.
But then I'm also-what I'm saying is that they're not true Muslims.
And that is why there are no true Muslims in the world, because they may not choose to cease to be Muslims.