Last November, Istanbul was rocked by four truck-bomb attacks in five days.
If the IRA was going to make a truck-bomb attack here in London, he's the man for the job.
"Chief, what would the Royal Family do if a truck-bomb attack devastated Buckingham Palace?"
The police did suggest some redesign options and submitted a report detailing the history of truck-bomb attacks, according to some with knowledge of the ensuing dialogue.
And who can forget the 1982 truck-bomb attack on the Marine compound in Beirut that resulted in the deaths of 265 marines?
Anti-terrorism was on the agenda even before the truck-bomb attack on Tuesday.
The Persian Gulf incident, like the truck-bomb attack that killed 241 American servicemen in Beirut in 1983, is symptomatic of a deeper problem.
The French news agency said American authorities received an anonymous warning about a truck-bomb attack, but American officials did not corroborate this account.
A truck-bomb attack two weeks ago took the lives of 19 Italians.
After a decade of debate, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission decided yesterday that civilian power plants should prepare for truck-bomb attacks.