Then, a few days after he read the clips, a truck tried to run his Mini Cooper off the road.
If the tracks match the truck's tires, he said, they would indicate that the truck did try to go around the closed gate.
The trucks dislike James, and try to stop him reaching the top of the hill.
The road shuddered and seemed to twist, the truck was trying to shake his brains out.
As Moe started to pass it, the truck tried to go by another vehicle, found that it couldn't and dropped back.
The other truck tried to keep up with Harrison but it was slowly being left behind.
In early interviews, he told investigators he saw the truck try to get around the gates as they were closing.
Four dolly trucks had been trying to push it away.
"A truck filled with apples was trying to cross over the median when it exploded," he said.
The second truck tried to go around it.