In the silence, the trucks rattled with a forlorn sound.
It would come down again as soon as the last truck rattled over it.
The poor truck was rattling to the point I expected the hood to fly off and decapitate a couple of pine trees.
The trucks rattled into gear, and the men got to their feet, and the column was on its way.
The old truck rattled to life at the second turn of the key, which was something of a miracle.
The truck rattled as he closed his door.
The truck rattled to a stop in front of the pumps.
One day, he said, a truck rattled past the neighborhood carrying electric cable insulation material that clearly had been used.
We spent the night tossing and turning, listening to the stove rattle each time a truck roared by.
The truck bounced and rattled as they sped down the road to the overlook.