She said she had expected to investigate bank robberies and truck hijackings, the squad's usual cases.
"A lot of murder cases, truck hijackings, Colombian drug traffickers," he said in giving examples of his cases.
He would dominate the local underworld in northern Boston which included running numbers, loansharking and truck hijackings.
Walker is a fed, actually, part of a task force investigating truck hijackings.
Throughout the series, Dominic's crew has perpetrated many high-speed truck hijackings, stealing millions of dollars in merchandise.
They went into drugs, car theft, kidnaps, piracy, truck hijackings.
Soon after, he is said to have become involved in organized crime, taking part in gambling operations and truck hijackings.
A high price could lead to truck hijackings and illicit importing from other states.
Fundamental to all truck hijacking is that the vehicle is in a 'stop' position.
As soon as we heard about the explosive,' he said, 'I checked truck hijackings.