All but the smallest light trucks also burn a lot of gasoline.
Ames watched the truck burn for a while, but there weren't any more explosions, and he lost interest after a few minutes.
Jaybird asked from where he lay in the weeds watching the truck burn.
Everyone knows that cars and trucks burn fuel, and that this process produces emissions.
The dirt road to Ash-Shabb joined it within a few yards of where the truck was burning.
The impact threw Rebecca clear and when the emergency vehicles arrived the truck and the car were burning and she was the only survivor.
The truck burned terribly, but there was no outcry from inside it.
Long-haul trucks idle 500 to 3,500 hours a year, burning a half gallon to one and a half gallons of diesel fuel an hour.
By contrast, light trucks in total are burning twice as much fuel as they were 20 years ago.
A truck burned brightly, well down the steep embankment supporting the approach to the bridge.