To get there, you have to cross railroad tracks and five highway lanes traveled daily by hundreds of trucks bound for the huge Hunts Point food market.
That truck, bound on murder once, would logically be sticking to its task.
The calves, about 400, were then prodded up narrow ramps onto trucks bound for winter wheat pastures.
But last Sunday, residents said, the Sudanese Army told the squatters that they had to move their shacks and belongings onto trucks bound for a site 30 miles south of here or everything would be burned.
He realized with a shock that they reminded him of steers he had once seen in a railroad siding back home in Richmond, Virginia, crowded uncomprehendingly in trucks bound for the slaughterhouse.
Border guards in the former Soviet republic of Uzbekistan seized a radioactive cargo on an Iranian truck bound for Pakistan, State Department officials said.
Later some of the 100 refugees accused of taking part in the protest were marched through a double row of helmeted guards who beat them with night sticks while herding them onto trucks bound for a jail.
Officials said the cocaine was shipped from Colombia to Mexico and crossed the border in trucks bound for New York.
Eight containers of limestone blocks were loaded on its own trucks, bound for a luxury condominium complex in South Korea.
He arrived late, and the only remaining horses were the "rejects", loaded into trucks bound for the dog food and glue slaughter house.