Nowhere was this tolerance for troubled psyches more evident than in "A Woman Under the Influence."
She dares the audience to sympathize with Camille's troubled psyche, which, unfortunately, remains fuzzily understood from start to finish.
But were these compositions meaningless fantasies or windows into a troubled and dangerous psyche?
However, the relationship was undermined by Sorenson's troubled psyche.
Wilson has stated that "I Just Wasn't Made for These Times" was telling a self-portrait of his troubled psyche and that he was too advanced for his time.
So even though Ms. Ernst feels better mentally - she no longer imagines everyone despises her - diabetes has been a crippling insult to her troubled psyche.
In turn, Danny gains insight into dynamics of his father's troubled psyche, especially when he is able to restore his father to sanity, which never occurs in the film.
The one-sided conversation repeatedly surprised Marty with its twists and turns, which didn't support the notion that his troubled psyche had fabricated the intruder.
Its calming force would do much to ease her troubled psyche when she awoke.
Fellini went deliriously and brilliantly bananas with the color to create a rollicking through-the-looking-glass series of tableaus evoking a woman's troubled psyche.