And it creates an opportunity to write a new and more buoyant chapter in the life of this troubled district.
He backed a welfare reform bill in the mid-1990's when it was unpopular with many residents of his economically troubled district.
By the mid-80's, it was among the most troubled districts in the state.
Still, some New York educators say state officials here have to be willing to step in and help the troubled districts.
The first of two articles about New York's community school boards looks at some of the most troubled districts.
Those who teach it in financially troubled districts have been forced to explain their program's revelance to justify its financing.
The courts have also challenged other interventions into troubled districts.
In Newark, a troubled district taken over by the state Department of Education two years ago, teachers lead tougher lives, as might be expected.
Mr. Levy said he would pay the five consulting school districts $250,000 for every troubled district that they helped.
At least 1,000 of the city's 4,800 police officers have been assigned to the troubled district.