They looked huge on her, but she seemed to have no trouble walking in them.
Protected by the Key, Arthur had no trouble walking through it.
But for those who have trouble walking on their own, that is not always a good thing.
The dragon seemed to have no trouble walking on the wall, and Forrest did not feel any great pull of gravity holding him back.
She lives with her aunt in town, she said that was because she'd have trouble walking to school.
During this trip he had trouble walking particularly at high altitudes.
But it has trouble walking on short legs swollen by arthritis.
He seemed to have trouble walking in the black leather pants.
Snowstorms are especially difficult for the elderly, who often have trouble walking in snow.
And he'd certainly had no trouble walking around his lot.
Loss of balance, uncoordinated body motions, and trouble walking.
Many people were awakened in Las Vegas, with many reporting dizziness or trouble walking.
Buying the right sack is an absolute must for trouble free walking.
The child has slurred speech, confusion, weakness in limbs, or trouble walking, or the headache is the worst the child's ever had.
He has dizzy spells and trouble walking.
A lot of these patients wind up having trouble walking, have to use canes.
If you have poor eyesight or trouble walking, you can easily trip on a throw rug.
While it occurs in only 10% of those afflicted with peripheral neuropathy, people afflicted have symptoms such as muscle weakness, sensory problems, and other motor deficits usually starting in the form of a tremor of the hands or trouble walking.
Affected dogs will have tremors, muscle weakness, and trouble walking.
Loss of balance, lack of coordination, or trouble walking.