Wilson said she found the place "magical" and had no trouble shedding any last semblances of inhibition that might have remained.
Fortunately, it doesn't look as if January will have any trouble shedding her baby weight, thanks to her no-nonsense approach to eating.
Many women have trouble shedding extra pounds after giving birth.
See Russell Crowe's Hot New Bod OMG Now - Wed, Dec 21, 2011 10:54 AM PST After packing on the pounds for the 2008 flick "Body of Lies," Russell Crowe had trouble shedding the weight... until now!
Mr. Kinsley, who was out of the Washington whirl as the Republican Presidential campaign heated up, said he had no trouble shedding his life as a celebrity pundit.
After packing on the pounds for the 2008 flick "Body of Lies," Russell Crowe had trouble shedding the weight... until now!
Still, like so many goats before him - Mike Vanderjagt, Scott Norwood, Trey Junkin - no matter how successful Romo is from now on, he'll have trouble shedding the itchy, wet wool-smelling cloak of his blunder in Seattle.
And given the rapid turnover, they figure they won't have much trouble shedding their current residences.