It was reported that Ice Edge had run into trouble securing sufficient financing although the group denied the claims.
After moving to Los Angeles, Gallant had trouble securing work in the film industry.
"I'm certain Austin would have little trouble securing Connor, no matter what powers the man possesses."
At about the same time, technology ventures began to have trouble securing financing.
He had trouble securing a loan to fund the new building, but was not discouraged and drew up an unusual plan for gathering funds.
He had trouble securing the truck's hydraulic lift gate.
Sears had trouble securing name brand merchandise consistent with the image of the new chain.
Any fears about the outcome against an unknown team were put to rest as Nebraska had little trouble securing the game.
The film was shot as a silent movie in 1929 but had trouble securing a release.
He began having trouble securing directing jobs by the end of the 1970s due to his declining health.