Even the most devoted Anglophile might have trouble guessing which member of the British royal family can fix a car engine and drive a truck.
Patience had little trouble guessing the answer to this question herself, but controlled her own misgivings and feigned ignorance.
Many people said they found her great-uncle hard to fathom, but she rarely had trouble guessing his thoughts.
Only the most slow-witted will have trouble guessing early on that the Realm and the Home Ground are one and the same.
Mr. Donovan said that audiences would have trouble guessing where the plot of the sequel was headed.
Gollum might have had some trouble guessing it, if he had asked it at another time.
"You did everything you could, Doctor," said Chekov, who seemed to have no trouble guessing the drift of her thoughts.
For Mavis, the main shortcoming of the film is that mystery fans won't have too much trouble guessing the solution well before Jesse does.
A more experienced lady would have had no trouble guessing the truth, but this one did not sense that his explana- tion was a little forced.
I had no trouble guessing what he'd decide to do.