When Miss Khalip and her husband took to the streets with thousands of others to protest, trouble flared.
The most serious trouble in recent decades has flared between Vietnam and China.
Reports said the trouble flared when police went into the East Stand to persuade fans without seats to move to another area.
More serious trouble flared in February 2011, when at least eight people were killed in several days of fighting.
The other people in the room, quiet while the trouble had flared, began to talk again.
The trouble flared after some protesters surged through metal barricades outside the parliament building.
He was discovered in a car suffering from gunshot wounds at about 9.15pm as trouble flared in the area.
When trouble flared, the Home Secretary ordered troops to be ready to quell the unrest.
The big trouble flared when the chip was stolen.
Overnight nine arrests were made across the province when minor trouble flared in several areas.