Then Nahum had the cows driven to the uplands, after which this trouble ceased.
Rig had told him that at Rome his troubles would cease.
She could leave Lorn now, and her troubles would cease, or she could stay with him, and they would almost certainly get worse.
Ogun then took the name Ewuare meaning "the trouble has ceased".
Michael's troubles ceased for the time being.
But never mind; our troubles will cease when once we are away from this and out on the wide ocean.
"The title Ewuare (Oworuare), meaning it is cool or the trouble has ceased" and as a result the war is over.
It is estimated that fewer than 2000 of these two models were made until 1852, when financial troubles ceased production.
Unfortunately the bell frame still gave trouble and ringing ceased in 1913.
That will simplify the whole matter, and trouble will cease.