"Initially, we had a lot of trouble casting this piece," Ms. Hoffman said.
Since then, the movie has been languishing in the development heap because of trouble casting a actor to play opposite Ms. Ralph.
Even after Showtime embraced the script, he had trouble casting it.
Producers asked Reed to play a role in the film because they had trouble casting it, as it was an "uncomfortable" role for most young actresses.
The doubts he had more trouble casting aside were those about the target Dovraku had sent him to destroy--or rather, the timing of the attack.
Voters who have trouble casting a ballot should appeal to the person running the polling place.
The tug had experienced trouble casting loose, to head for the Salvador.
But Ruddock had trouble casting the man as the ruthless killer.
He also stated that he had trouble casting the part of Cammy.
More recently, the hospital had trouble casting the Plus plan in a positive light.