Family, marital and financial troubles befell those who took steps to set their children on the right path.
He understood the truth of Jarlaxle's words, and knew that much trouble would befall House Baenre in the days ahead.
No matter what trouble may befall Tin Star, Maria will stand by him because she knows "only a good guy could have a chin like Tin Star's".
A more serious trouble befell him later in the year.
Yet we have observed that most humans who give up that struggle question why life has no meaning, especially when troubles befall them.
Along the way, Dr. Banner finds himself feeling obliged to help the people he meets out of whatever troubles have befallen them.
You speak as a Loring should, and yet I fear that some great trouble will befall us.
You'll make sure no trouble befalls Aunt Marriot and Uncle Henry and Grandmother?
These troubles befell him because of defects of character whose origins it is not easy to explain.
When she says she does not have it, Otello says that it was a talisman, and troubles will befall her if she loses it.