He was the last to walk beneath the arch, the dog trotting along at his heels.
Angela soon trotted into the light, Solembum at her heels.
I was trotting at his heels like a kid on a field trip, irretrievably separated from the rest of the class.
Must I have a nanny trotting at my heels to ride three miles?
As always, the floppy-eared dog trotted at his heels.
Then he trotted at her heels like a dog.
Haplo backed out of the way, the dog trotting at his heels.
Haplo continued on through the jungle, the dog trotting along at his heels.
Simon was coming back along the waterline with Ben trotting at his heels.
Alfred entered, the dog trotting along faithfully at his heels.