A tropical thunderstorm was another factor, drenching Kinshasa on Sunday and preventing many people from getting to the polls.
The enormous tropical thunderstorm showed up as a lurid and ferocious crimson cancer on the screen.
The wet season spans the austral summer, with most of the year's annual precipatation falling during this period, primarily in the form of severe tropical thunderstorms.
A violent tropical thunderstorm punctuated my stay there.
Joint air strike, rescue successful A tropical thunderstorm moved in and heavy rain fell for the next 30 minutes.
This resulted in less water vapor from tropical thunderstorms entering the stratosphere.
A major tropical thunderstorm had built up on the western side of the mountain.
On her journey back to base, more tropical thunderstorms threatened to tear the wings off 'Shady Lady'.
The wet season lasts roughly from December to May, and brings an abundance of bright sunshine along with sporadically brief, yet often intense, tropical thunderstorms.
Normally, tropical thunderstorms reach 30,000 to 40,000 feet, and 40,000 to 50,000 feet is not out of the ordinary in the center of a hurricane.