Lonely Planet describes the Savai'i landscape as 'spectacular tropical terrain'.
At 3:00 am on 9 October, the Americans made a landing and marched inland towards the village of Somatti over tropical and mountainous terrain.
Some Soldiers have reported that the pattern is less than ideal in most environments, particularly jungle and tropical terrain.
The Brigade was also responsible for developing doctrine and specialised armoured vehicles for armoured warfare in tropical terrain.
Then the blue rider became fascinated with the tropical terrain around them, subtly different from the north's warmer Holds.
At its southern border, begins tropical terrain.
In shore the English forces suffered greatly from heat and drought during their march through difficult tropical terrain.
He was a former colonel in the Mozambican air force, Russian-trained and unequaled at ground-hugging flight over hilly tropical terrain.
But the bannermen of northern China could not cope with unfamiliar tropical terrains and lethal endemic diseases, and were driven back with heavy losses.
The illustrated work "Uragano" (Hurricane), made in 1989, evokes a tropical terrain - a banana grove - with the evidence of the aftermath of a storm.