With its weak tropical motif, the 32,000-sq-ft casino is nothing special, except for its purple felt tables and location in the middle of the Fremont Street Experience which has made it a favorite with many gamblers, not to m.
Gazing around the waterfront bar with the tropical motif, Moe, the proprietor, proclaims, "This is my metaphysical workshop."
In the tropical motif of the Sandbar, David Aronstam, 35 years old, a white South African exile, sat under a striped beach umbrella with half a dozen other exiles and members of the congress, talking South African politics and nursing their disappointment over beer and stronger spirits.
The centerpiece of the new park, done up in a tropical motif, will be a million-gallon wave pool, but there will of course be a number of water slides.
The restaurants featured a distinctive exterior design with South Beach-inspired pastels trimmed with pink and blue neon lights and interiors decorated in a tropical motif.
The unit is decorated with a tropical motif including murals, walls textured with the imprints of palm leaves, bamboo paddle ceiling fans and matchstick window shades.
The main casino floor was renovated to match the hotel's new refined tropical motif.
The boat, a former oil-rig crew vessel that had been converted to a live-aboard dive boat with a tropical motif, had been on a one-week trip to explore the crystal waters and coral reefs.
The long rectangular room has a soothing tropical motif, with palm fronds painted on the walls and scattered greenery.
"You can thank me later for the air-conditioning," Beverly Sills announced inside the Stanley H. Kaplan Penthouse, which was decorated in a steamy tropical motif, of all things.