There are thousands more islands to explore in the Caribbean (not including Kokomo, which we're still looking for), so grab a copy of Lonely Planet's Caribbean Islands travel guide and start planning a new tropical adventure!
RAIN FOREST LIFE, a tropical adventure via a live video teleconference with the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, today at 3:30 p.m. at the Windsor Park Branch of the Queens Library, 79-50 Bell Boulevard, Bayside.
Baby Jake and Sydney the Monkey go on a tropical adventure and play humming.
Baby Jake and Sydney the Monkey go on a tropical adventure and enjoy sticky fun.
Inspired by a trip into South American jungles, Mr. Rockman's Pop-realist paintings depict a Northerner's lurid fantasies of tropical adventure and danger.
The two decide to flee to South America, and the narrator declares his story has ended here, "like in a pulp novel," and promises a technicolor sequel chronicling Odile and Franz's tropical adventures.
In a moment of drunken heroism, Hal embarks on a quest to find the man, embroiling himself in a surreal tropical adventure (and an unexpected affair with a beguiling German woman).
Beyond the desks and computers and promo posters for tropical adventures, you can still see Neapolitan slices cooling, the pizza cutter lying next to half a pie, the map of Sicily on the wall.
Escape to Cairns and the Great Barrier Reef and discover a place of vast beauty - an Australian tropical adventure brought to you by nature.
They are aided in their tropical adventures by Jagwar, Dreadmon, and Man-Ray.