Now her style is more quietly sophisticated to fulfill her growing celebrity status and role as butt-kicking trophy girlfriend.
Mr. Nilsson's clothes suggest that he isn't all that interested in dressing stars or trophy girlfriends with pounds of pavé diamonds.
His situation is exacerbated by his acrimonious relationship with his distant father Marty (Bruce Altman), who brought a trophy girlfriend into the house less than a month after his wife's death.
Ms. Korzun plays Laura, the Russian trophy girlfriend of a legend of the Memphis music scene, Alan (Mr. Torn), who brought her home from a tour abroad.
But which one truly deserves to be his trophy girlfriend?
The street is known locally as "Silicon Valley" for the number of surgically-enhanced trophy girlfriends on display.
There he encounters the godfather's trophy girlfriend (Amanda Peet) and gets to know a terminally bored peer (Claire Danes).
But the prince seems to treat her as a trophy girlfriend because he kisses her roughly, as if he desires her body more than her, herself.
Tall, svelte and dark-haired, dressed in suede designer jeans, a cashmere sweater and boots, she looks every inch the trophy girlfriend.
I see no trophy wives or trophy girlfriends, no extravagantly dressed women.