Hours later, Israeli troops and their Lebanese militia allies shelled Shiite villages in the vicinity.
Another official said Ethiopian troops had shelled the town of Bandiradley.
Aoun refused to attend, and his troops shelled the Patriarch's palace hours before the meeting.
British troops then shelled the mortar position.
Activists say Syrian troops have shelled a town near the border with Lebanon, and living conditions are deteriorating there after six days of siege.
"The lady was killed when your troops shelled this cottage."
Sallal's troops shelled the royal palace, thought they had buried the Imam in the rubble, and proclaimed his death on Aden radio.
Now ranged on the steppe north of the villages on the Terek, the Russian troops shelled Chechen positions.
We saw Serbian troops shell us and kill our sons and husbands.
The court also said the troops shelled the main shopping district of the predominantly Muslim city of Zenica in April 1993, killing at least 18 civilians.