Wherever the Gross Deutschland appeared, our troops took heart and routed the enemy-or so it seemed.
At around 10:00 PM, his troops routed the French pickets and infiltrated much of the town.
Then some troops he had out raiding returned, fell upon the forces attacking Bugha and completely routed them.
Alvarado's troops encountered a sizeable quantity of gathered warriors and quickly routed them through the city's streets.
The crown prince's troops then routed his, killing him, and many of the troops under Tang were killed.
Over 10 days, his troops routed the fedayeen; some 3,500 fighters died on both sides.
Some of the deserters were beaten as the troops routed them from the hospital, the witnesses said.
Kattabomman's troops routed Mahfuz's troops who camped some distance away from the fort.
A battle ensued, in which Rodulf was killed and his troops routed.
In the resulting battle on June 17 Lyon's troops routed the State Guard.