The same day, while a national strike to protest deteriorating economic conditions was under way, troops ransacked the headquarters of a labor federation that had called the strike and arrested several members.
Between 1917 and 1918, troops ransacked the convent, looking for treasure.
Parts of it however were destroyed in 1646, when Swedish troops under Carl Gustaf Wrangel ransacked the place near the end of the Thirty Years' War and laid fire to it.
After the story appeared, troops loyal to Charles Taylor, then a rebel leader, ransacked and torched Weah's beachfront mansion in Monrovia.
In 732, Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi's troops raided Vasconia, advanced towards Bordeaux and ransacked the city.
The troops tied their horses to the mihrab and ransacked the student quarters and libraries, throwing copies of the Quran on the floor.
The French troops ransack the Couvin castellany, in Belgium.
In 1516 papal troops ransacked Fossombrone, and Petrucci printed nothing for three years: most likely his equipment was destroyed.
After the Siege of Maastricht (1579) the Spanish troops ransacked the city for three days and took anything made of gold or silver.
Iraqi troops also ransacked and looted private Kuwaiti homes; one residence was repeatedly defecated in.