During the night, Richard receives the news of desertions among his allies, but his troops still outnumber the enemy three to one.
The supposedly loyal troops there outnumbered and were better equipped than the rebel force.
The fact that the empire's troops now outnumbered their own vastly diminished armies had not yet occurred to anyone.
The Peruvian troops outnumbered the Chilean forces by 17 to 1.
Military analysts and Western diplomats say they doubt that the government can hold on indefinitely even though its troops outnumber the rebels by 6 to 1.
At least the thane's troops won't have us outnumbered too badly.
Chinese troops surrounded, surprised and overwhelmed the overextended and outnumbered American forces.
However, his troops had greatly outnumbered the attackers, and suffered many more casualties during the battle.
Because then- regiments started so large, the colored troops greatly outnumbered the rebels at the start of the engagement.
Castro's troops so outnumbered the US expedition that they could likely have destroyed it.