This week two high-ranking army officers were convicted of standing by four years ago while paramilitary troops massacred dozens of villagers.
In the event known as the 'Nanking Massacre', Japanese troops massacred a large number of the defending garrison.
He would later be killed and his troops massacred by Sioux Indians.
Balcha entered Harar and his troops massacred such Muslims as they could find within the walls.
Cangallo was razed and Spanish troops massacred the population shooting elder men, women and children.
His marauding troops massacred inhabitants of the mountain valleys and took large quantities of booty.
In the sack of the castle, O'Brien's troops massacred the garrison and also all the clergy they found there.
Not long after settling in, Kurdish troops of the Ottoman Army massacred the population almost entirely.
His troops then massacred many residents including the Italians.
The troops massacred at least 8,000 Armenians.