Limbani is currently being held in a remote prison ("Zembela"), guarded by a crack unit of indigenous troops known as the Simbas.
This operation marked the beginning of hostility between German and Finnish troops, known as the Lapland War.
In 1798, he became the commander of a unit of light troops known as the Alorna Legion.
The children were staying with him in the third-floor apartment when a squad of paramilitary troops known as Rangers arrived around 3:30 a.m.
The English began using lightly armoured mounted troops, known as hobelars.
A ghost box opens, and troops known as Furies emerge with guns in order to kill the running man.
It comes complete with a detachment of troops known as "cuirassiers" for their shining armor.
On 31 July 1941, the division consisted of 10,473 troops, mostly enlisted Filipinos, known as the Philippine Scouts.
It consists of troops known as Ganpats from Maharashtra in Western India.
And that included the elite troops known as Trail-Blazers who crewed the wagon-trains.