They have also warned the Serbs against trying to attack the roughly 10,000 allied troops gathered in neighboring Macedonia.
In sweltering heat she walked around the edge of the vast parade ground pausing to chat to some of the 600 troops gathered in her honour.
Later, at a junction near the border, civilians came and went, offering encouragement to the young troops gathered there.
The Arabic sources traditionally give Roderic 100,000 troops, gathered during his return to the south after confronting the Basques.
The human troops gathered in front of the visitors' quarters, checking their gear, making sure their rucksacks rode well, and getting their mission faces on.
His troops gathered in a circle to discuss the challenge and his knights muttered amongst themselves- but the king boldly took seven steps forward.
The crowd of troops gathered around him looked damned convinced.
Tsarmina faced the troops gathered in the large mess hall.
Napoleon's troops, gathered at Boulogne, could be seen from Dover on a clear day.
Hours after allied troops beat back Iraqi forces invading Saudi Arabia, a force of 60,000 Iraqi troops gathered for another assault.