"Qallupilluit" are "troll-like" creature that come after misbehaving children.
Quatar and Portnal fought with them, slashing the troll-like creatures and dodging their sledges, standing between them and their fallen compan- ions.
Another one is a troll-like creature, the Squelch, here playing a harp.
Igon (voiced by Peter Cullen) - A short, three-legged troll-like creature who is one of Professor Grimace's worst experiments.
Distorted by the twists and turns in the cave, the echoes were like the mutterings of some troll-like creature.
As Prince Ethan travels around the Heron kingdom, he meets up with the most feared bounty hunter in the two countries: a huge troll-like creature named Exeter.
As they attempt investigation one of their repositories they are attacked by the troll-like creatures who serve as bodyguards to the intelligent Chujoans.
Abominations: Large, troll-like creatures, they attack the player by spewing acid and spitting out small leech-like monsters.
In the video, Edo is in an asylum for the mentally ill because he is haunted by troll-like creatures that appear in his dreams.
The Things are some kind of troll-like creatures with long fur, fangs and narrow tails with arrowhead shaped tips.