Jennings visits college quiz bowls, writers of trivia books, a town in Wisconsin that has an annual trivia contest and more.
If that question matters to you, one little trivia book will not solve your problems.
This trivia book covers our United States Presidents and gives the history of the US Presidents.
This trivia book gives you all you need to know about our U.S. Presidents and the history of the United States.
A general trivia book about our American Presidents.
Over the past 30 years, Starlog has produced books, videos, science fiction conventions, trivia books, and more.
I read it in one of those trivia books as well, that claimed honey is the only food that does not ever spoil.
According to David Feldman, an author of trivia books, "The only reason why cheesemakers colour their product is because consumers seem to prefer it".
Tucker Elliot is the author of sports history and trivia books.
Some players read almanacs or other reference or trivia books to tune up on their own.