Yet the most suspenseful delay and triumph in the show's 73 editions lies just ahead.
His triumph lies in making her suicide the one thing you don't see when you return to her images.
The physical expression of female sexuality is her monthly period and its triumph lies in her giving birth.
According to Publisher's Weekly, "Carey's triumph as a writer lies in her ability to turn these stock-nearly stereotyped-components into an engaging, fascinating novel."
Mr. Oubrerie's triumph lies in preserving the spirit of Le Corbusier's design without treating the project as a shrine.
But the material is riveting, the story moves briskly, and the real triumph lies in its central portrait.
Ms. York's triumph lies in her fresh and witty treatment of familiar material.
The whole force and triumph of Mr. Bernard Shaw lie in the fact that he is a thoroughly consistent man.
The band's triumph lies in how exciting they make that prospect seem".
Who is to say where triumph lies?