- the other two films on the triple feature - so they used Motorpsycho.
Moviegoers of the 1940s and 50s remember its double and triple features.
Let's go out and take in a triple feature.
The per-movie rate drops drastically when a drive-in shows double or triple features, a common practice.
Content, she summoned her archivist and ordered up a triple feature.
Get your sci-fi marathon on Sunday and Wednesday, when the Ziegfeld presents this brain-boggling triple feature.
Instead of airing in its old 8:30 p.m. slot, Creature Features became a late night showcase, showing a triple feature with each airing.
The theater under Meyer showed older films, in double or triple features, generally for a single night, but sometimes for a week at a time.
Cinema Club also release it in a triple feature, included with Urban Legend and Phantoms.
We come to Buddy's theater, to which hundreds of eager moviegoers flock for to-night's triple feature.