Like a chunk of patchwork left behind, a green-tinted sector of glossy black changed to light blue beneath Warren's feet and tripped him during the transformation.
With one out and Javy Lopez batting in the second, Johnson tripped during his delivery, flipping the ball forward for Ball 1.
Thank god the leash hadn't caught on anything and tripped him during the fight.
Mr. Picot tripped into his line of work during a visit to a friend's home during his junior year in high school.
She'd dropped the pipe when she'd jumped the strigoi but remembered almost tripping over the jagged piece of metal during the fight.
Peripheral vision was still compromised, and Monte could occasionally be seen tripping over bleachers and small children during the first few games.
He considered for a while, smiling, and then said, 'Tell me, what was the title poor Fox tripped over during cur first audience of the Sultan?'
I'd tripped the mercenaries' alarms during my approach, awakened them-enough to save them, surely.
According to Piilani, Ko'olau tripped in the process of maneuvering during the standoff.