Spending the night at Washington International airport, watching his reflection in the darkened plate glass of closed trinket shops, calmed his overwrought nerves, but not by much.
An Indian named Princess Naomi, always dressed in Indian clothing, once kept a trinket shop beside this spot.
The gates on the trinket shops that sell pink poodles and "I L.A." T-shirts rattle open.
Its streets are full of small trinket shops, coffee shops, and bars.
It took only about 20 minutes to explore Dewey, even allowing time to browse through its few unimpressive trinket shops.
Even the scenes that are banished from the postcards - the time-share developments, the trinket shops, the clusters of poky tourists - pick up an otherworldly glow.
Jango's let a few rooms over the adjoining trinket shop and if there was any chance of Grendel being there I had to find out.
Your aunt ran a trinket shop in Cork.
As he ambled past Papaioannou's trinket shop, he was amused to hear an English tourist resisting the proprietor's notoriously persistent sales technique.
Al ran a trinket shop on the plaza in Santa Fe and milked the tourists shamelessly.