Alternatively, the coat can be trimmed short regularly for easy maintenance, although the corded coat is what attracts many people to the breed.
There is also a plush spa and exercise facility, a heated outdoor pool and a croquet green that looks as if it's trimmed regularly with nail scissors.
Their nails should also be trimmed regularly.
Further, without the natural conditioning factors present in the wild, the feet of horses grow overly large and long unless trimmed regularly.
Nails need to be trimmed regularly and ears need to be cleaned every day to avoid ear infections.
Since the hair is tranplanted from the hair on the head, the new eyelashes will continue to grow like head hair and will need to be trimmed regularly.
According to the National Trust, the grass is trimmed regularly and the giant is fully re-chalked every 25 years.
Its hooves will be trimmed regularly by a farrier and kept balanced, smooth and neat.
If trimmed back regularly, it can maintain a bushy habit and will not need support.
Light was produced by a "Funks" hydraulic oil lamp, that needed to be refueled every four hours, and whose wicks would have to be trimmed regularly.