He is a neat, dainty man, 'the lady of Christ's'; a fastidious man, pacing in trim gardens.
It's an almost absurdly pretty place with its steeply pitched roofs, mullioned windows, prolific gables and trim little gardens.
It was set in a trim garden girdled by white painted paling; if not God's cottage, certainly not his manor.
The waning moon, which had just risen, shewed me a cottage, whose neat entrance and trim garden reminded me of my own England.
The houses are chiefly of brick and stone along the public thoroughfares, and there are many neat private dwellings inclosed in trim well-kept gardens.
Calcutta Lodge was surrounded by a neat trim garden, and the sitting-room into which they were shown was also neat if slightly overcrowded.
For fifty years they had peeped through that little window and across that trim garden, but never yet had such a sight as this come to confound them.
Scarcely had the young third cousin of this Saturday afternoon set foot in Mr. Todhunter's trim little garden than she came out with her news.
It had looked exactly like England: bicycles propped against hedges, trim gardens in housing estates, A.R.P.
During their whispered conversation, Ryan had been peering down Ruby's trim garden, past the neat rows of okra and beyond the outhouse to where the brush began.