Reykir's remembering the disaster triggered several dark thoughts.
Chemical imbalances in the brain can trigger positive and negative thoughts about oneself.
For just a second, the sight triggered thoughts of Kirk's piloting drills back at the academy, but he quickly disregarded them.
There is evidence to suggest that taking Prozac may trigger suicidal thoughts in some people.
It also triggers thoughts of a more concrete, and potentially frightening, nature.
Unfortunately, he said, much about being in New York triggered thoughts about how he got here.
Q: Do some antidepressant drugs actually trigger suicidal thoughts?
Socio-economic factors such as unemployment, poverty, homelessness, and discrimination may trigger suicidal thoughts.
Something the wife says punctures their inattention, triggering private thoughts they cannot share.
Priming is a concept, not a theory in which the activation of one thought may trigger related thoughts.