Pawldo's missile lodged in the eye of another Firbolg, triggering pain.
At this first visit, the dentist must ensure that the patient is not biting into the tooth, which could also trigger pain.
It's said positive if a resisted wrist extension triggers pain to the patient.
Anything that touches or moves the cheek can trigger extreme pain, from brushing the teeth to putting on makeup to eating and drinking.
They're also great ways to relieve stress, which can cause muscles to tense up and trigger low back pain.
For years researchers have believed that the body releases bradykinin when there is an injury, and the substance triggers pain.
Cranberry juice may also trigger intense pain and discomfort.
These imbalances that arise as a result can often trigger pain in the back, hips, knees, and shoulders.
You may begin to tense your back muscles, which can trigger low back pain or make it worse.
Yes, you can: Carrying a heavy purse on one shoulder can trigger shoulder and back pain.