Its borrowing costs are already reaching the dangerous levels that triggered similar calls for a bail-out from Portugal and Ireland.
You could also define alarms that triggered calls to user programs.
The killing also triggered calls for Ingushetia's independence from Russia.
With most systems, he said, the chime setting allows the system to alert occupants to the opening of a door without blasting sirens or triggering calls to 911.
Such nanotechnologies and their accompanying industries have triggered calls for increased community participation and effective regulatory arrangements.
It also triggered oft-repeated calls on the government to make good its promises to upgrade the road.
There it could trigger fresh calls for regulation, or even kill a gory source of relatively easy money.
The insecurity surrounding managed care has triggered calls for Government action, and Congress is inundated with ill-conceived bills that would dictate how health plans treat patients.
His prediction is coming true; today's violence is triggering calls in Israel for "separation," which means more than a fence around Gaza.
The latter path through conservation efforts has seldom triggered any excitement, so energy shocks have always triggered calls for more supply.