It would be another tricky piece of biosynthesis, another life-creating process.
I have an implant, a very tricky piece of quality tech, that enables me to sneak past security systems without being noticed.
Passing these people along, already a tricky piece of work, was further complicated by their potential delicacy.
The tricky piece now was to disable the classroom videocamera without being seen by it.
Must be a tricky piece of work if she'd managed to fool Willie Garvin.
In fact tying a pollution to its source can be a tricky piece of detective work.
The trickiest piece so far was finding something that Jinx is willing to eat.
They performed this tricky piece with graceful precision, fading to a whispered pianissimo.
It's a tricky piece, and the singers pulled it off deftly.
That was going to be a tricky piece of navigation.