Looking back on a job that was often frustrating and exhausting, she says that the commitment of governments to the tribunals has become "firm and clear and generally more bold" and that the tribunals have set basic standards for a future permanent international court.
Martyn became the first £1 million keeper, Seaman the costliest at £1.3 million - now a tribunal has set a £1.3 million fee for James.
The tribunal set a Dec. 20 deadline for the two countries to settle the issue without resorting to arbitration.
But New York's highest tribunal, the State Court of Appeals, reinstated the conviction and in the process set a new standard for determining when an error was so egregious as to warrant a new trial.
A tribunal set an initial transfer fee of £150,000 with further payments depending upon progress.
According to Jamyl, the archbishop's tribunal had, indeed, condemned Jorian and set his execution for Martinmas at Arx Fidei, to make an example of him.
Quinn agreed terms with Leicester City, and a tribunal set the fee at £210,000.
A French commercial tribunal, examining a request to redistribute the shares of the four squabbling Gallimard children, set in motion a long legal battle by deciding to refer the case to a higher court.
He urged strong punishment and said the sentence the tribunal imposed would set a standard for centuries.
Today, for the first time, the special military tribunal set the number of known dead at 689, a far cry from the thousands dead that was used in the indictment against the Ceausescus.